Black Mountain Bowmen May updates

Mon-Sun:8:00AM to sunset
Check club calendar for events!
Black Mountain Bowmen May updates

Hello BMBers!

The weather has been getting sunnier and warmer as spring marches on towards summer. Keep your sunblock, bug spray, and allergy pills handy and enjoy the range in its most verdant state of the year!

  • Mother Nature is messing with us! The weather outlook for the next week is all sunny... except for Saturday, May 4th which is when our next Work Party is scheduled. The current forecast for that day is rain all day. If those predictions hold, we'll reschedule to the following Saturday, May 11th. Parts of the range are in dire need of maintenance, particularly the Upper 14 field course, where vegetation has overgrown much of the trails: we've heard reports that you have to duck under some poison oak to get to some targets, yikes! We need your help to make the BMB range safe and enjoyable, so please come lend a hand! Things get started at 8 AM (latecomers and non-members welcome); the range will remain closed for the duration of work activities.
  • Our monthly Club Shoot will take place on Sunday, May 12th. As with the April shoot, this will be an NFAA 900 target round: 5 ends of 6 arrows at 3 distances (60, 50, 40 yards for adults; closer for youth and cub shooters). If you haven't done one before, our friends at the Pasadena Roving Archers have made a great video explaining the format. The shoot is free for BMB club members, $10 for non-members; you can help us plan ahead by pre-registering online.
  • 7 Wednesday Night 3D League events have been completed, with 5 events remaining in the season. For those competing for awards, this is a reminder that 10 scores in the same division are required to qualify. Even if you're not interested in competing, come out to an event! It's a fun and casual archery break in the middle of the week. Check out BMB's 3D League web page for more information and current results.
  • There's still time to donate towards the memorial bench we'll be installing later this year in honor of long-time member Bob DeLong, who passed away earlier this year. Bob was a huge supporter of archery and made our club and range what it is today. Cash donations are accepted at the 3D League registration table, and online donations can be made via this PayPal link. Thank you to everyone who's given so far!

That's the BMB news for this month. For everyone competing in the many tournaments and events happening now that archery season is fully under way, may your arrows fly straight and true!

- The BMB Directors