Black Mountain Bowmen July updates

Mon-Sun:8:00AM to sunset
Check club calendar for events!
Black Mountain Bowmen July updates

Hi everyone, July is here (happy Canada Day to all those who celebrate, eh?) and it's brought the heat! Here are your BMB updates for this first full month of summer:

  • The Work Party, customarily the first Saturday of the month, has been rescheduled to Saturday, July 13, on account of the potentially unhealthy temperatures this weekend, and so many folks being out of town this holiday week and weekend.
    • Remember: we don't get the archery range we deserve, we get the archery range we earn. Target bales and field course trails are only as good as we make them, so please come on out so we can make them awesome!
    • Things get started at 8 AM (late arrivals still welcome). Bring work/gardening gloves, and plenty of water and sunscreen. Members and non-members alike are welcome (bring a friend!) and we appreciate all the help we can get!
    • The entire range will be closed to all archery, and will reopen no earlier than 2 PM.
    • One other thing: we've decided to put the "party" back in "work party" and will be serving lunch and refreshments when things wrap up as a "Thank you!" to our volunteers.
  • The monthly Club Shoot will be held on Sunday, July 14. The format is an NFAA 900: 5 ends of 6 arrows at 3 distances (60, 50, 40 yards for adults; closer for youth and cub shooters). For more info, here's a great video from the fine folks at Pasadena Roving Archers.
    • Cost: free for BMB club members, $10 for non-members.
    • Online pre-registration is optional but appreciated, as it helps with planning.
    • Setup and registration begins at 8 AM, and shooting starts at 9 AM.
  • Pre-registration is open for the 2024 MTBA (Mission Trails Bowhunter Association) Regional Target 900 tournament hosted at BMB on August 10-11. You can shoot either day (or both, if shooting in two different equipment classes); you must be an MTBA member to be eligible for trophies.
  • Registration is open for the 2024 CBH/SAA State Target Championship 900 Round at BMB on September 14-15. You can register to shoot on Saturday or Sunday (or maybe both, as above); NFAA membership is required for trophy eligibility.

Happy Fourth of July everyone! Stay cool, or failing that, stay hydrated. See you at the range!

- The BMB Directors