Black Mountain Bowmen September updates

Mon-Sun:8:00AM to sunset
Check club calendar for events!
Black Mountain Bowmen September updates

Hello BMB'ers, summer may be drawing to a close but there's still plenty of archery to do! Here are your updates for the month of September.

  • Our monthly range maintenance Work Party will take place on Saturday, September 7. It looks like it's going to be a warm late summer day, so be sure to bring plenty of water and sunblock!
    • Please come and help! If you're a BMB regular you've probably noticed that many target bales are no longer stopping your arrows so well. Work parties are our only opportunity each month to replace those bales to make targets usable again.
    • Truck needed. Paul, whose truck we usually use for hauling new bales out to the targets, is taking a well-deserved break to go hunting, so if any of you has a truck we can use instead, Saturday is your opportunity to shine!
    • Things get started at 8 AM (late arrivals okay). Please bring work/gardening gloves if you have them. Both club members and non-members are encouraged to participate, as we appreciate all the help we can get!
    • As a thank-you to our volunteers, we'll be serving lunch and refreshments when work activities wrap up.
    • All parts of the range will be closed to shooting, and will reopen no earlier than 2 PM.
  • The monthly Club Shoot will be held on Sunday, September 8. The format is an NFAA 900: 5 ends of 6 arrows at 3 distances (60, 50, 40 yards for adults; closer for youth, cub shooters and traditional-style bows). (Here's a great introductory video from our friends at Pasadena Roving Archers.)
    • Cost: free for BMB club members, $10 for non-members.
    • Online pre-registration is optional but appreciated, as it helps with planning.
    • Setup and registration begins at 8 AM, and shooting starts at 9 AM.
    • The Club Shoot should be a great opportunity to practice for the...
  • ... 2024 CBH/SAA State Target Championship 900 Round at BMB on September 14-15. You can register to shoot on Saturday or Sunday (or maybe both, if shooting in two different divisions), online or via the form attached to the event flyer. Anyone can participate but NFAA membership is required for trophy eligibility.
  • The fall edition of the 2024 Bay Area Senior Games archery tournament will take place at BMB on Sunday, October 13. This is an NFAA 900-format shoot as well; eligible seniors (50+) can register via this link.

We hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Labor Day weekend! See you at the range!

- The BMB Directors