2025 3D League begins in one week!

Mon-Sun:8:00AM to sunset
Check club calendar for events!
2025 3D League begins in one week!

Calling all 3D archery enthusiasts... Who's ready to go foam hunting?

We're excited to announce that Black Mountain Bowmen's 2025 3D League begins in one week, running every Wednesday evening from March 19, for 12 weeks through June 4. This year, we've made some changes to better accommodate the diverse set of archers who attend our League every year:

  • New "Senior" age division, for archers aged 60+.
  • Expanded equipment classes corresponding to the CBH/SAA competition classes: Barebow (BB), Bowhunter freestyle (BHFS), Freestyle (FS), Freestyle limited (FSL), Freestyle limited recurve (FSLR), Traditional (Tr), Longbow (LB), Recurve off-the-shelf (ROTS), Barebow Recurve (BBR)

We've made a couple of logistical changes as well:

  • No more preregistration or signups for time slots. Just show up for a shoot start time between 4pm and 6pm. Coordinate with your shooting buddies, or make new friends and find someone to shoot with at the event.
  • Sign up for volunteer positions through a simple form. (Volunteers receive free entry!)

Same great price:

  • Adult and Senior archers: $10
  • Youth (12-15) archers: $5
  • Cubs (6-11): free

For those of you who intend to shoot the whole series (12 events) to vie for 3D League points and awards, there's a discounted "buy-in" option for entry into all events:

  • Adult and Senior archers: $100
  • Youth (12-15) archers: $50

Buy-in rebate for BMB members: present your membership card or other proof of current BMB membership at Registration to receive a one-time $10 cash rebate ($5 for Youth archers) on your buy-in.

Entry fees and buy-ins can be purchased online via the 3D League Fees page on our website.

Questions? Get more information at our 3D League web page, or don't hesitate to contact us!

See you at the range... next Wednesday!