News and Announcements

Mon-Sun:8:00AM to sunset
Check club calendar for events!
  • 3D League Week 9 Results

    The weather was just on the "pleasant side of warm" and we had a great turnout for the 9th round of our 2024 Wednesday Night 3D League series.…

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    4 min read

  • Wednesday Night 3D League, Week 9

    As we enter the final third of 2024's 3D League series, a quick look at the current standings reveals close contention for top spots in quite a few…

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    4 min read

  • Club Shoot Recap

    Thanks to everyone who came out to our Club Shoot today! We had a decent turnout and pleasant weather with just a hint of a breeze wind-wise. Shout-out…

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    4 min read

  • Mother’s Day Club Shoot, Sunday May 12

    Mother’s Day Club Shoot, Sunday May 12

    Come join us at the range this Sunday for what promises to be a warm and sunny Club Shoot! The format will be an NFAA 900: 3 rounds…

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    4 min read

  • May Work Party Tomorrow!

    BMB's May work party happens tomorrow, Saturday May 11, starting at 8am. Please join us! We need your help to get the range back into tip-top shape: Find…

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    4 min read

  • 3D League Week 8 Results

    "Happy Windsday!" Gusty conditions added to the challenge for the 8th round of Wednesday Night 3D League. The results through round 8 are now available. We see some…

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    4 min read